Our programming is made possible by dedicated volunteers who contribute at all levels of our organization, from local activities all the way to national initiatives. Who are these members? Most of our volunteers are friends and family of current cadets, or past cadets themselves who want to share what they learned.There are several different types of volunteering positions within the Navy League that provide adults with opportunities to exercise and learn personnel management, a sense of community, and use specialized skills they may already have. Whether you are interested in teaching and working with youth, or would like to develop your own professional skills as a member of your local Branch, the Navy League is happy to welcome you to our community and find a suitable volunteer position for you, based on your availability.

Navy League Cadets
The Navy League Cadet Corps are managed and supervised by adult volunteers who are enrolled as Navy League Officers or Navy League Instructors. Officers are granted warrants by the League, wear naval pattern uniforms and use naval ranks followed by a Navy League (NL) designator. Navy League Officers are not members of the Canadian Armed Forces.All Navy League Volunteers are provided opportunities for development of skills that will undoubtedly benefit you in your career as well. These include home study and weekend training in leadership and instructional techniques.
We value the service of our volunteers. In addition to the joy and fulfillment you gain from volunteering, the Navy League of Canada has a comprehensive awards and recognition program. Awards are presented at the local, regional and national levels.
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Divisions and Branches
Each Navy League Cadet Corps and Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps has an associated Navy League Branch working behind the scenes to support the efforts of the training staff. The Branch manages a variety of items to ensure the corps activities can run smoothly, including fundraising initiatives, insurance policies, and community liaison.Alternatively, if supporting one local Branch is not enough, ask about being put in touch with your regional Division. Our Divisions are responsible for supporting a larger group of our membership, and are always looking for more volunteers to join the Board, assist other members in their development, and influence the direction of the program in your area.
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Royal Canadian Sea Cadets
The Royal Canadian Sea Cadet program is managed and supervised by CIC (Cadet Instructor Cadre) Officers, which are paid members of the Canadian Armed Forces. For details, please have a look at the Cadets Canada webpage.Not everyone who wants to teach cadets has to enroll in the Canadian Armed Forces. Civilian Instructors (CI) may be hired to complement the knowledge and skill set of the CIC staff. Many are highly specialized in particular areas of cadet training such as first aid, music or biathlon. CIs who do not have regular positions may serve as unpaid volunteers. In this case, these individuals are deemed to be volunteers of the Navy League.
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