Established in 1895 to ensure adequate naval defence, the Navy League of Canada’s main objective was to promote an interest in Maritime Affairs throughout Canada, while also keeping watch over policies relevant to Canada’s waters.The two World Wars placed heavy dependence on the Navy League and its ability to support Merchant Navy and operate hostels. However, by the end of the Second World War and the closing out of its War Services operations, the Navy League was again able to turn its attention to its primary objectives: continued support of youth training and promoting a knowledge of Maritime Affairs.

Today, the Navy League of Canada provides most of its services through our 260 local Branches. We promote Maritime Affairs by supporting Canada’s youth through maritime-themed programs. There are two separate programs: the Navy League Cadets, for youth aged 9 to 12, and the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet program, for youth aged 12 to 18, which is delivered in partnership with the Department of National Defence.
Lastly, we are one of the founding members of the International Sea Cadet Association (ISCA), which promotes cultural exchanges between cadets in twenty different nations.
The Navy League of Canada is rightfully proud of its members, current and past, and is grateful to them for their selfless support of its objectives.
Program Pillars
First and foremost, the navy league of Canada works to provide quality community programming for youth. From maritime safety and leadership to community engagement and a great time with peers, Navy and Sea Cadets have deserve our full support. Most of our programs run from September to June with opportunities for adventures and excursions.
Navy League and Sea Cadets aim to help prepare our youth for a successful and joyful future. A part of our core programming is working to create scholarship and award opportunities for our participants. Whether this is providing education funding support or recognizing the incredible volunteer efforts in our community. Check our awards and scholarships page for more information on opportunities and our wonderful sponsors.
Maritime Affairs
Beyond our cadet programs, the navy league continuously supports Canadas maritime interests through our Maritime Affairs initiatives. Our educative and engagement events help to keep our community involved and connected. All this is possible with the incredible support of our partners, many of whom help to support maritime programming and cadets through awards.